Bear Viewing in Alaska

1-907-398-1744, Call Or Text

Alaska’s untouched nature is full of chances to see amazing animals in their own home. To make sure people and animals can live together without problems, it’s important to look at animals in a careful and respectful way. In this easy-to-follow guide from “Bear Viewing in Alaska,” we will tell you the right and wrong ways to watch wildlife, so you can enjoy it without hurting Alaska’s many different kinds of living things.

First, before you go out to see bears, you should learn about how to be safe and polite. Read our blog “Surviving Bear Country: Essential Safety and Etiquette for Bear Viewing” to know how to stay safe and be nice to the bear’s home.

How to Watch Wildlife in Alaska Respectfully:

Bear Viewing Alaska

  1. Learn and Plan Ahead: Plan your trip to see wildlife by doing your homework. Know what animals you might see, how they act, and the best spots to see them. Talk to experts or read our blog “Your Ultimate Guide to Bear Viewing in Alaska: An Unforgettable Experience!” to plan your trip.
  2. Stay Far Enough Away: Don’t get too close to animals. Keep a safe space for them and you. Bears and big animals need at least 300 yards of space, says the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Use binoculars or cameras with zoom to see them without scaring them.
  3. Be Patient and Quiet: Take your time and be quiet when watching animals. Don’t make them feel scared or change what they’re doing. Turn off noisy things like phones to keep things calm.
  4. Don’t Feed or Go Near Animals: Never give animals people food or go too close. This can make them sick or act in strange ways. Especially stay away from mothers with babies. Remember, we’re in their place, not ours.
  5. Don’t Leave Any Trash: Always clean up after yourself. Follow the rules of “Leave No Trace” so you don’t hurt the land or animals. Follow the paths and throw away trash the right way.
  6. Teach Others: Tell your friends and family how to watch animals the right way. Help others understand why it’s important to be careful and kind to animals and their homes.

Want to Go on a Wildlife Tour?

Are you ready to see Alaska’s animals? Call us at 1-907-398-1744 or email to book your tour. We know a lot about wildlife and can help you have a great time that is also kind to Alaska’s animals.


Watching animals in Alaska helps us feel close to nature and see how beautiful it is. If we follow the rules in this guide, we can help keep Alaska’s many different animals safe for a long time. Let’s enjoy the beauty of Alaska’s animals while being careful and helping to keep them safe. Together, we can make sure that people can enjoy Alaska’s animals for many years to come.